2017/4 - 2018/3
畑勝裕, 居村岳広, 堀洋一, "ハーフアクティブ整流器を用いたワイヤレス給電システムの受電側電力制御に基づく送電側効率制御",電気学会,Vol. 138, No. 1 pp.22-29 2018 (Google Drive)
池澤 佑太, 藤本 博志, 川野 大輔, 後藤 雄一, 武田 雄資, 佐藤 宏治, "電気自動車における旋回を考慮した速度軌道最適化による航続距離延長自動運転",電気学会,Vol. 137, No. 12 pp.899-907, 2017 (Google Drive)
延命朋希, 藤本博志, 堀洋一, "原子間力オブザーバに基づく高速フォースカーブ測定", 電気学会, Vol. 137, No. 10, pp.753-759
Giorgio Lovison, Daita Kobayashi, Motoki Sato, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori, "Secondary-side-only Control for High Efficiency and Desired Power with Two Converters in Wireless Power Transfer Systems", IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.6, No.6 , pp.473-481, 2017 (Google Drive)
Wataru Ohnishi, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Pai-Hsueh Yang, Ping-Wei Chang, Bausan Yuan, Koichi, Sakata, Atsushi Hara, "Acoustic Wave Equation Based Modeling and Collocated Side Vibration Cancellation for Pneumatic Cylinder", IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.109-116 ,2018. (Google Drive)
Van-Duc Doan, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takafumi Koseki, Tomioi Yasuda, Hiroyuki Kishi, Toshiyuki Fujita, ``Simultaneous Optimization of Speed Profile and Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System for Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicles’’,IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.189-201, 2018. (Google Drive)
Van-Duc Doan, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takafumi Koseki, Tomioi Yasuda, Hiroyuki Kishi, Toshiyuki Fujita, ``Iterative Dynamic Programming for Optimal Control Problem with Isoperimetric Constraint and Its Application to Optimal Eco-driving Control of Electric Vehicle’’,IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.80-92, 2018. (Google Drive)
Giorgio Lovison, Takehiro Imura, Hiroshi Fujimoto and Yoichi Hori, ``Secondary-side-only Phase-shifiting Voltage Stabilization Control by One Converter for WPT Systems with Constant Power Load’’,IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.66-74, 2018. (Google Drive)
長井千明,犬飼健二,小林正人,江藤次郎,田中達也,安藤賢一,居村岳広,堀洋一,"地層処分におけるモニタリングのための無線電力伝送の適用性に関する検討",日本原子力学会バックエンド部会 ,Vol.24, No.1,pp.45-52,2-17
Takehiro Imura,"In-Motion Charging Sequence in Sensorless System using Series-Series Topology via Magnetic Resonance Coupling", CERV, 2018
Yoshi Ri, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Drift-free Motion Estimation from Video Images using Phase Correlation and Linear Optimization", AMC2018, pp. N/A, 2018 (Google Drive)
Shota Yamada, Michael Ruderman, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Piecewise Affine (PWA) Modeling and Switched Damping Control of Two-Inertia Systems with Backlash", AMC2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Naoyuki Ogawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Nobunori Okui, Yusuke Takeda, Koji Sato, "Basic Study on Range Extension Autonomous Driving for Electric Vehicles Considering Uncertainty of Signal Information",SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Hiroyuki Fuse, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori "Minimum-time Maneuver and Friction Coefficient Estimation Using Slip Ratio Control for Autonomously-Driven Electric Vehicle",SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Takaki Shimoda, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Norihiro Kumagai and Yuki Terada "Experimental Verification of Extremum Seeking Control of Spindle Speed in NC machining for Chatter Avoidance and Suppression",SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Yoshi Ri, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Fundamental Study of Vision Based Planar Object Depth and Velocity Estimation via EKF Fusion of Stereo Disparity and Monocular Scaling", SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Tomoki Emmei, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Daisuke Gunji, Kenji Omata , "Proposal of Load-side Encoder Based Slip Ratio Estimation Method for 4-wheeled In-wheel-motor with Reduction Gear", SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Kensuke Hanajiri, Katsuhiro Hata, Takehiro Imura, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Dynamic Voltage Control for Maximum Efficiency Operation of WPT with Secondary-side Supercapacitor", SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Kota Miyahara, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori, "Fundamental Study of Four Wheel Steering System without Rear Steer Actuator for Four Wheel Driving Electric Vehicles", SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Masahiro Mae, Wataru Ohnishi, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori, "Perfect Tracking Control of Dual-Input Dual-Output System for High-Precision Stage in Translation and Pitching Motion", SAMCON2018, 2018 (Google Drive)
Wataru Ohnishi, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Review on multirate feedforward: model-inverse feedforward control for nonminumum phase systems", SAMCON2018, 2018
Takuya Fukuda, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori, Daisuke Kawano, Yuichi Goto, Yusuke Takeda, Koji Sato, "Range Extension Autonomous Driving of Electric Vehicle Considering Maximum Jerk Constraint", EVS30, pp. N/A, 2017
Katsuhiro Hata, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori, "Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicles to Simplify Ground Facilities - Sensorless Vehicle Detection and Power Control Strategy -", EVS30, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Takuya Fukuda, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori, Daisuke Kawano, Yuichi Goto, Yusuke Takeda, Koji Sato, "Range Extension Autonomous Driving of Electric Vehicle Considering Maximum Jerk Constraint ", EVS30, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
IECON 2017
Shota Yamada, Hiroshi Fujimoto "Design of Load-side External Force Observer with a Load-side Encoder Considering Modeling Errors", IECON2017, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Katsuhiro Hata, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori "Simplified Measuring Method of kQ Product for Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonance Coupling Based on Input Impedance Measurement", IECON2017, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Yuma Yazaki, Hiroshi Fujimoto, "Moving Coil Type Wireless Linear Motor based on Magnetic Resonance Coupling", IECON2017, pp.7288-7293 ,2017. (Google Drive)
2017 American Control Conference
Yafei Wang,Hiroshi Fujimoto,Shinji Hara "Driving Force Control for Electric Vehicles with Four In-Wheel-Motors on Split-friction Surfaces", 2017 American Control Conference, pp. N/A, 2017
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
Thomas Beauduin, Shota Yamada, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takeshi Kanou, and Etsuo Katsuyama, Control-oriented Modelling and Experimental Modal Analysis of Electric Vehicles with Geared In-Wheel Motors, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Shota Yamada, Thomas Beauduin, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takeshi Kanou, and Etsuo Katsuyama, Model-Based Longitudinal Vibration Suppression Control for Electric Vehicles with Geared In-Wheel Motors, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Takaki Shimoda, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Norihiro Kumagai and Yuki Terada, External sensorless adaptive chatter avoidance in NC machining by applying disturbance observer using high resolution linear encoder, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. N/A, 2017
Akiyuki Hasegawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Taro Takahashi, Robot Joint Angle Control Based on Self Resonance Cancellation Using Double Encoders, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. N/A, 2017
Katsuhiro Hata, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori, "Identification of kQ Product for Wireless Power Transfer System with Open End Coils Based on Input Impedance Measurement", AWPT2018, pp. N/A, 2017
Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori, "Comparison of 85 kHz Self-resonant Open-end Coils with Different Types of Wire for Capacitor-less Wireless Power Transfer System", AWPT2017, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
Kenta Suzuki, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori, "Experimental Verification of Optimal Load to Achieve Maximum Efficiency in Capacitive Power Transfer with Resonance Coupling ", AWPT2017, pp. N/A, 2017 (Google Drive)
畑勝裕, 居村岳広, 堀洋一, "磁界共振結合ワイヤレス電力伝送の最大効率動作に基づくシステム電圧の最適設計法と制約を考慮した設計法の提案", 平成29年電気学会産業応用部門大会, pp.I-447-I-452, 2017
神谷直希, 藤本博志, 堀洋一, 狩野岳史, 勝山悦生, "ばね上情報のみを用いたインホイールモータ搭載車の乗り心地向上", 平成29年電気学会産業応用部門大会, pp.IV-93-IV-96, 2017
新實敏樹, 藤本博志, 西沢 啓, 小林 宙, 渡邉 保真, "インホイールモータを用いた航空機における着陸検知と片輪着陸時の姿勢制御及び新しい実験手法の提案", 平成29年電気学会産業応用部門大会, pp.Ⅱ-147-Ⅱ-150, 2017
機械学会 第26回交通・物流部門大会
日本航空宇宙学会 第55回 飛行機シンポジウム
堀 洋一 , " 走行中ワイヤレス給電が生み出すクルマ社会とキー技術〜モータ/キャパシタ/ワイヤレス〜 ", 近化電池セミナー「キャパシタ技術の現状と展望」, 2015
Yoichi Hori, "Novel Car Society based on Dynamic Wireless Power Supply and some Key Technologies for its Realization ", Keynote Address, 2015
堀 洋一, "走行中ワイヤレス給電が生み出すクルマ社会とキー技術 〜モータ/キャパシタ/ワイヤレス〜 ", エネルギーマネージメント・キーデバイス技術分科会, 2015
Takehiro Imura, "Overview of Wireless Power Transfer, Control of Magnetic Resonant Coupling ", Concentrated Lecture , 2015
Yoichi Hori, "Cars 100 years in the Future -Motor/Capacitor/Wireless-Basics on Robust Motion Control (DOB based approach), Basics on Robust Motion Control (Vibration Suppression Control) ", Concentrated Lecture, 2015